The road to VISA APPLICATION APPROVAL: When is the right Time? how to Prepare Early?

I started travel blogging in 2010, but it wasn’t until 2013 when I decided to check out a country that requires a visa.

Why did it take that long? because I knew that if I attempted applying for a visa before that, I would have been refused.

Applicants from developing countries usually need to go through a rigorous screening process and meet certain socio-economic requirements to set foot in developed countries. At the time, I was new at the job, didn’t earn much, didn’t have any savings or properties, and had not been to any other country. I lacked four essential criteria that embassies usually look for — stable employment, financial means, strong ties, and travel history. I just knew that it wasn’t my time. Not yet, at least.

Back then, while I thought it may not have been the right time to apply, I also knew it was a great time to prepare. and prepare I did. I took care of the paperwork, started saving diligently, beefed up my travel history, and built myself economically and professionally. I did my time. I took my time. When I was finally ready, I was confident I’d get a YES. and yes, I did. dobré veci prichádzajú k tým, ktorí čakajú.


Prečo čakať?
When is the right time?
How to prepare yourself for visa application this early?1. open a bank account and start saving.
2. find a stable source of income.
3. If you’re self-employed, register your company or service.
4. If you’re a freelancer, take care of the paperwork.
5. file your taxes and secure an ITR.
6. travel to visa-free countries first.
7. get a credit report card.

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Prečo čakať?

Of course, there is also virtue in taking risks. I know people who applied for elusive visas on their first try and got granted. but they are more the exception rather than the rule.

In my case, I could not risk it. since I plan on traveling over and over, I didn’t want a rejection event to stain my record.

It’s only been five years since the first time I applied for a visa, but I have made over 20 applications so far — Schengen, Canadian, Australian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean visa to name a few. Not to mention all the applications for my pals and family that I handled (because apparently, when you’re a travel blogger, you tend to be the default go-to person for such things. LOL!). Thankfully, I have never been denied a visa.

I give credit report to that period of my life that I patiently waited for the right moment.

When is the right time?

It depends on the embassy and the type of visa you’re applying for. For example, the Japanese embassy is not as strict as the others and has a shorter list of requirements. In this case, if your financial situation is far from ideal, a workaround is finding a sponsor. The concern of proving financial capacity then shifts to that person.

In some instances, inadequacies can be easily explained away in a letter and can be made up for by supplying alternative documents. (We’ll write another post about those.)

But most embassies will evaluate you based on your own credentials, even if you have a sponsor. If anything, they will take an even closer look at your own merits. most Schengen embassies, for example, will still ask for all your employment or company documents despite having a sponsor. If you’re eyeing a Schengen visa or other hard-to-get visas, you will really need to work on meeting their requirements.

So for me, typically speaking: The right time is when you are ready with the usual requirements — finances, work stability, and rootedness.

But how does one become ready? If you’re serious about traveling to a visa country, you can prepare as early as now. here are some tips that you can do while waiting for the right time.

How to prepare yourself for visa application this early?

1. open a bank account and start saving.

We’re always surprised by how many messages we receive that go something like this:

“Hi Yosh!

I will be applying for a visa this week. regarding the funds, I have enough money to travel. but I only opened a bank account last month.

Do you think it can become a reason for denial?”

If you have plans of traveling abroad in the future, open a bank account as soon as possible. how much you have in the bank isn’t the only thing that embassies look at when they’re assessing visa applications. more importantly, they check the date the bank account was created and scrutinize the flow of money that goes in and out of that account.

Remember, most embassies require not just the bank certificate but also a bank statement (usually covering the transactions within the past 3 or 6 months). If they see that your account is brand spankin’ new, they might find it suspicious.

Even if you’re not planning on applying for a visa soon, open an account now and slowly build some savings. You’ll never know when an opportunityPre cestovanie príde klope na dvere. Ak sa to stane, aspoň máte jednu základnú požiadavku.

2. Nájdite stabilný zdroj príjmu.

Okrem finančnej kapacity je ďalším základným kritériom zakorenenosť.

Čo je to zakorenenie? Rootedness sa vzťahuje na, aké silné vaše väzby sú vo vašej domovskej krajine. Inými slovami, musíte ukázať, že váš život tu na Filipínach je dobrý a stabilný, a že nemáte dôvod na prekročenie. Pamätajte si, že významný počet filipínskych turistov porušuje vízové ​​pravidlá s cieľom pracovať v zahraničí. To je to, čo sa veľvyslanectvá snažia vyhnúť. Mnohé vízové ​​aplikácie, ktoré sa odmietli, sú kvôli tomu, aby sa preukázali zakorenenie.

Mať stabilnú prácu alebo spoločnosť pomáha ukazovať, že tu máte dobrý život a že máte dôvod vrátiť sa. To je dôvod, prečo je vždy náročné, aby ste získali vízum, ak ste nezamestnaní alebo nedávno odstúpili, pokiaľ vaše iné požiadavky nie sú hviezdne.

Mať stabilný zdroj príjmu tiež dokazuje, že ste systém nemusel. Veľvyslanectvá niekedy spúšťajú vaše bankové údaje proti svojim zamestnaním / obchodným dokumentom. Ak vidia, že veci nepridávajú, môže to byť dôvod na odmietnutie. Napríklad, ak je váš plat len ​​P20000 mesačne, ale váš bankový účet ukazuje niekoľko vkladov P10000 každý, ktorý môže zvýšiť niektoré červené vlajky a byť príčinou odmietnutia.

Znamená to, že musíte pracovať na plný úväzok, aby ste boli pripravení? Nie nevyhnutne. Prečítajte si ďalšie časti.

3. Ak ste samostatne zárobkovo činná osoba, zaregistrujte svoju spoločnosť alebo službu.

Ďalším spoločným problémom, ktorý sa stretneme v správach našich čitateľov, je nedostatok dokumentácie pre ich podniky. Niečo také:

“Ahoj Yosh!

Tento týždeň žiadame o víza. Mám dosť peňazí, pretože zarábame z nášho podnikania.

Problém je, nie je registrovaný. Nemám žiadny firemný dokument.

Čo môžem urobiť?”

Zvyčajne im hovorím, aby predložili akýkoľvek dôkaz o príjmoch – faktúry, zmlúv atď. Ale to je ako hádzať krupobitie Márie. Niekedy pracujú, ale zvyčajne nie sú, najmä s prísnejšími veľvyslanectvami.

Bolo by to oveľa jednoduchšie, keby ste práve zvládli papierovanie na prvom mieste. Ak máte biznis, bez ohľadu na to, ako malé, a ešte nemáte papiere, pracujte na nich teraz, takže sa nebudete musieť starať o to v budúcnosti.

Ďalšia nevyhnutná vec: Uistite sa, že spoločnosť je vo vašom mene! Aj keď ste “skutočným vlastníkom” podniku, ak to nie je pod tvojím menom, nie je to technicky ani legálne vaše. Nebudete ho môcť používať. Dostaneme takéto správy. Vlastnia spoločnosť, ale je to v mene bratranca alebo prarodičia. Nemôžete očakávať, že veľvyslanectvá veria, že skutočne vlastníte spoločnosť, ak nemá žiadne z dokumentov vaše meno.

4. Ak ste na voľnej nohe, postarajte sa o papierovanie.

Pokiaľ ide o žiadosti o vízum, najužinnejším obdobím môjho cestovného života bol prvými rokmi, že je na voľnej nohe. Dokonca aj so všetkými dokumentmi som musel neustále brániť alebo diskutovať o mojom postavení alebo zdrojom príjmov počas vízových rozhovorov alebo kontroly imigračných kontrol. Našťastie som mal dokumenty na to.

Ak ste na voľnej nohe, tu sú niektoré tipy:

Uistite sa, že máte zmluvu alebo formálnu, písomnú dohodu so svojimi klientmi.

Zbierajte kópie vašich faktúr a úradných príjmov usilovne.

Snažte sa zabezpečiť certifikáciu od svojho klienta, ktorá dokazuje, že ste s nimi zaoberajúci (druhom osvedčenia o zamestnanosti).

Súložiť svoje dane.

Posledný je dôležitý. Budem ďalej prediskutovať v nasledujúcej časti.

5. file your taxes and secure an ITR.

Či už ste zamestnaní, samostatne zárobkovo činná osoba alebo na voľnej nohe, podajte svoje dane. Yes, even if you’re tax-exempt (earning P21,000 and below), you should still file them for documentation purposes. Nielen

The ITR is typically a requirement because it ticks all three items on the checklist: financial capacity, employment status, and rootedness. Some embassies won’t even ask you to submit a Certificate of employment but they demand to see your ITR.

Sure, it is still possible to get an approval even if you don’t have an ITR. (For example, the Korean and Japanese embassies sometimes accept a letter of explanation if you can’t provide one for a valid reason.) but it’s always best to provide when you can.

6. travel to visa-free countries first.

One way to improve your chances is by beefing up your travel history by first traveling to countries that don’t require a visa. Southeast Asian countries are a good start. When I was backpacking around ASEAN, I met some travelers who are trying to “collect” passport stamps in order to have a better shot at visiting visa countries. They get to reach their ultimate goal while enjoying beautiful destinations!

My first visa country was Japan (because it was the easiest to get). but before I even got there, I made sure I set foot first in visa-free destinations like Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand.

That’s not to say that having no travel history means automatic refusal. Likewise, it doesn’t necessarily follow that having an outstanding travel history guarantees approval. It only helps increase your chances, provided that you have all the other requirements down satisfactorily.

7. get a credit report card.

Owning a credit report card can also help your application. but it doesn’t make or break your application. think of it as something filed under “Nice to have”.

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A credit report card can be considered an additional source of funds when traveling. When applying for a Canadian or Australian visa, for example, a credit report card is one of the options for sources of funds. Some embassies also ask that you submit a copy of your account statement if you have one because it shows your spending and payment habits. It can help show that you are able to sustain your lifestyle here, assuming of course that you are not deep in debt.

Lastly, some embassies have agreements with credit report card companies. the best example is the Korean Embassy, which has been exempting some premium card-owners from submitting financial documents.

Some credit report card companies also partner with airlines and hotels for enormous discounts, which is not really visa-related but still pretty useful. Haha.

However, it is also essential to note that none of these can guarantee approval. nothing and no one can. You can have all these and still end up empty-handed. I have pals who have stable employment, outstanding bank records, and strong rootedness, but they still get denied a visa sometimes. luck also has a hand in this because much of it will depend on the officer who will be assigned to evaluate your application. but at least you know that you’ve done everything you can.

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